Friday, November 12, 2010

Term 4 2010


Festivals & Visitors & Weddings Sept - Nov 2010

Term four has been busy - when isn't a Term 4 fast paced and action packed? In between exams all round - Felicity & I getting through a mountain of correction, Xave pulling through Sec 3 quite well and Jordy taking on the mammoth PSLE exams, we have ventured out to a few new areas, explored some favourite ones more extensively, attended a couple of weddings and enjoyed showing some visitors round Singapore!

Little India, a favourite haunt, has been decked out for Deepavali for the last month, with Serangoon Road looking very sensational by day and night. As Felicity has been having choir practice down that way, we often meet there for dinner on a Saturday Night.

Paying respects at Kaliamman Temple on Deepavali Eve

Last dinner with Jenny Ken and Siena at Chomp Chomp.

Saturday dinner at a newly discovered veg cafe near Little India.

Serangoon Road with Deepavali decorations.

Getting around on crutches, nursing his first major football injury, a broken ankle!

Gateway to Serangoon Road - Very spectacular!

Campbell Lane turned into a market during the lead up to Deepavali.
What an atmosphere!

The food markets around Little India have been catching my attention lately,
with all the colour and variety of produce they offer.

Then there's that great Indian sweet shop Komala Villas -
if you fancy a bit of halva or those milk biscuits the boys go for!

Veggie shopping in Little India.

Walks through Piece Resevoir Park and around MacRitchie resevoir are always rewarding and spectacular.

When Our friend John McMahon was here we took a Sunday morning trip up to Sungei Buloh wetlands.
I have been wanting to get up there for ages and we certainly weren't disappointed.

Some of the migratory sandpipers that stop off at Sungei Buloh.

Two monitor lizards - one sunning itself on a bamboo raft in a cafe pond at Sungei Buloh,
the other, a massive specimen, making fast work of a turtle on a Sunday afternoon in MacRitchie.

...oh and a cute little tortise that was on the path one day.

Visiting the Botanicals with the Stirlings...

..Mr 35mm...

Dinner at Sammy's - can't beat those banana leaf curries!!

'Reflections' at Bukit Chandu.
A museum commemorating the last stand of the Malay regiment against the Japanese.
They put up an incredible fight to the end.

Post-exam activities - hairdressing school at Jurong.

A Chinese Opera we put on for Artsfest. Sensational costumes!

Don & Yati's wedding at Hort Park.

Brahmin priest setting up for prayers and bethrothal at Helen's son's wedding.

... and some visitors from who knows where....?????